Friday, April 18, 2008

Ladies, Start Your Engines!

My little girls have been getting mounts left and right recently!

Silvver got her Striped Frostsaber ...

... Disuna got her Swift Stormsaber ...

... and Noirre FINALLY got her Swift Red Gryphon!
Yep, that's a lot o'gold going out! But it's worth it ... in every single case. Now I only wish I'd succumbed to the mind-numbing monotony of dailies long ago. Man, they're boring, but they do roll in the gold.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

And closer still ...

Little Noirre is now wielding Gladiator's Heavy Crossbow. And can I just say that I am thoroughly SICK of pvp? Ugh. I hate it. Oh, it's kind of fun for about two runs. And then it's just tedious. But it's a good way to get better gear.

I am finally starting to get a few heroic groups. Mostly, these have turned out horribly. Tried heroic Black Morass this past weekend. Our tank (all in blues) went down in three hits. Of course, it didn't help that he got not one single heal. After two swift wipes, we gave that up. But I slid into a group for the heroic Ramparts daily yesterday. It was a beautiful group. I wish I could have them every day. I was by far the worst geared with my three measly epics. Our Pally tank and Priest healer were dreams. /wistful sigh

And Disuna finally got to Outland. And then I took her back to Eastern Plaguelands to do some skinning to get her leather working up to 300 so she can actually use the skins she's getting in Hellfire Penninsula. She just hit 60 and, when I have the time, I'm going to try healing a group for Ramps. We'll see how that goes. I can only hope for the same kind of tank Noirre had yesterday.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I've been stinking lucky lately

I believe I may have had more luck with drops in the last few weeks than I have in the entire past year of WoW. I got drawn into a group going to Botanica on my hunter the other day. I thought they were doing heroic. So I agreed to go since it was the daily and I've really been wanting to start heroics and start getting badges. At the last minute, it was decided to do it on regular instead since our tank wasn't heroic geared. Ah well. I didn't need to go there for anything else, but didn't want to back out on the group at that point. So I went. And I got Beast Lord Cuirass. Three runs have now yielded three Beast Lord items for me. Does the great god Blizz want me starting Kara or what? Me thinks he does.

Oh, and then there was the Blackrock Depths run I did on my 55 Resto Druid. I went for xp and to complete a couple of quests. I ended up with five rares: three healing armor pieces, one healing mace and one dps armor item for soloing.

I wonder how long this luck will last???

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

One step closer ...

A quick Shadow Labs run last night with an awesome group (thanks for inviting me Warwinds!) yielded Sonic Spear. After grabbing a Major Agility enchant for it, I'll be set for melee weapons.
Now to go after that new crossbow.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Getting there

So I got Noirre Kara keyed a while ago. She's been 70 for ages but I've never bothered with any of the Kara prep as, 1) I'm pretty much never on when my guild is doing (attempting) a run, and 2) there are already several hunters Kara ready. However, I recently decided that I'm going to get her keyed and geared and all prepared ... just in case.

Gear is the trickiest part for me. There are some decent items in instances, but it's kind of hard for me to instance. The best time for me to go is weekday mornings. It's not easy to find groups in the mornings. I did buy all three pieces of the Felstalker set and popped agility gems into them. Made two Steamvaults runs and, miracle of miracles, came out with the Beast Lord shoulders and legs. Hm, I wonder if a third run would yield the Wrathtide Longbow? Is that too much to ask? I'd like to grab the Beast Lord handguards but, Shattered Halls ... *shudder*.

I'm busily PvPing for a few other items, I have mats for some nice attack power enchants and will add the Nethercobra Leg Armor soon.

Will that get me into Kara? I think so. Not the most massively-buffed hunter in the group to be sure, but I should be ready to at least get in the doors.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hell yeah!

Last night a guildie needed help taking down Durn the Hungerer in Nagrand. I was doing a bit of grinding in Blade's Edge working to level and loyalize a new level 67 wolf I had just tamed. But the call for help went out and after, admittedly, waiting and hoping others would answer the call first, I came to her aid. We took Durn down and Araluen was happy. But then, afterwards, so was I. Someone in the group had one of those damage report thingies. For the first time ever ... are you ready for this? Little Noirre topped the damage charts! Woot! I religiously follow BRK's site and (usually) follow his advice. Still, I had yet to be number one in damage. I know part of that is due to my fairly crappy gear in comparison to the other 70s in any given instance. Now, admittedly, there were only two other level 70s there and one of those was the healer. Still, I'm counting it. Why, oh why, didn't I screenshot it? The top numbers were (rounded):
My Noirre, 70 hunter - 30%

Ravenhawke, 70 rogue - 25%

Araluen, 67 arms/fury warrior - 16%

DarkLord, my wolf - 8%

Sunkist, protection warrior - 8%

So *I* actually did 38% of the dps considering the fact that my pet is yet another weapon for me. But here's the kicker ... this is a BRAND NEW pet. He's not even trained in bite yet!! Now I'm really wishing I had Amenti, my level 70 fully-trained kitty with me. What would our damage have been then?


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Keyed, O Lord, I'm keyed at last!

Woot! Finally got my Karazhan key yesterday morning with a little help from guildies Jerrybizbond and Shamanbruce, I finished the Durnholde and Black Morass portions to finally completely my key quest.

And now .... gear.

Oh, and bit of advice? If someone in your group tells you they've never been to a place and to please let them know anything they need to know, do so. Okay? Don't run off and leave them, assuming they'll figure things out. When they ask how they got the dragon ride inside, don't tell them "you have to have epic riding skill" only later to ask why on earth you're not taking the dragon rides. Don't say "Talk to the dragon" assuming they'll know to come INSIDE the instance to talk to that dragon when there's a big-arsed dragon outside the instance where they are. One who, incidentally, will not talk to you. And then laugh at them for not knowing that. Don't leave the area while they are afk for a sec assuming they'll figure out to talk to the Blood Elf to exit. If someone asks you to help them, freaking HELP them. Tell them these little tidbits. Okay?