Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hell yeah!

Last night a guildie needed help taking down Durn the Hungerer in Nagrand. I was doing a bit of grinding in Blade's Edge working to level and loyalize a new level 67 wolf I had just tamed. But the call for help went out and after, admittedly, waiting and hoping others would answer the call first, I came to her aid. We took Durn down and Araluen was happy. But then, afterwards, so was I. Someone in the group had one of those damage report thingies. For the first time ever ... are you ready for this? Little Noirre topped the damage charts! Woot! I religiously follow BRK's site and (usually) follow his advice. Still, I had yet to be number one in damage. I know part of that is due to my fairly crappy gear in comparison to the other 70s in any given instance. Now, admittedly, there were only two other level 70s there and one of those was the healer. Still, I'm counting it. Why, oh why, didn't I screenshot it? The top numbers were (rounded):
My Noirre, 70 hunter - 30%

Ravenhawke, 70 rogue - 25%

Araluen, 67 arms/fury warrior - 16%

DarkLord, my wolf - 8%

Sunkist, protection warrior - 8%

So *I* actually did 38% of the dps considering the fact that my pet is yet another weapon for me. But here's the kicker ... this is a BRAND NEW pet. He's not even trained in bite yet!! Now I'm really wishing I had Amenti, my level 70 fully-trained kitty with me. What would our damage have been then?


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