Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I've been stinking lucky lately

I believe I may have had more luck with drops in the last few weeks than I have in the entire past year of WoW. I got drawn into a group going to Botanica on my hunter the other day. I thought they were doing heroic. So I agreed to go since it was the daily and I've really been wanting to start heroics and start getting badges. At the last minute, it was decided to do it on regular instead since our tank wasn't heroic geared. Ah well. I didn't need to go there for anything else, but didn't want to back out on the group at that point. So I went. And I got Beast Lord Cuirass. Three runs have now yielded three Beast Lord items for me. Does the great god Blizz want me starting Kara or what? Me thinks he does.

Oh, and then there was the Blackrock Depths run I did on my 55 Resto Druid. I went for xp and to complete a couple of quests. I ended up with five rares: three healing armor pieces, one healing mace and one dps armor item for soloing.

I wonder how long this luck will last???

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