Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Little Ravenn got her epic

Ain't it pretty? I honestly was beginning to think it wasn't worth it. I honestly considered just buying an epic horse instead. But, by that point, I already had a couple hundred gold into it. So I forged on. If you're a Pally, you know what a PITA this quest line is. It wouldn't have been so bad if Blizz didn't have the perversity to send you to the three instances that NO one in WoW wants to go to.

I actually got a Stratholme group fairly easily. Keeping it together was much harder. I think we replaced players 3-4 times during the run. I had my waters fairly quickly but the other pally in the group did not. Took us nearly until the end to get them for us both.

Dire Maul took some time. Had two guildies willing to go and tried for a couple of hours to get more. Kelvarr, Allini and I ended up 3-manning my part. Huh. We should have tried that to begin with. It would have saved a lot of time.

I actually got a group really quickly for Scholomance. And it had two 70s so I thought we would sail. For the most part, we did. Except for the part juuuuuuust before the Death Knight comes and I could get my mount. We wiped. Know what happens if you wipe there? 1) You're locked out of that room and can't go back in unless you reset. 2) You lose the items you need for summoning and have to go back to the trainer to get them. *sigh* So I tried a second run the next day. We lost our healer just before that room, so I changed into my healing togs. Thank goodness I kept them even after respeccing Protection. We were doing well but then I died just before the Death Knight again. I ran back from the graveyard as fast as possible, hoping to get back inside before a wipe, just in case. Three of the others managed to live but guess who was locked out again? I stood upstairs at the gate, waiting helplessly as I heard the Death Knight call out to them. *sob* I heard them kill him. I was beyond frustrated thinking I was going to have to do this stupid instance yet a third time. However, when they killed the DK, the gate opened and I was able to run downstairs and complete the quest. Whew!! Relief doesn't begin to describe it.

And now I have my pretty Pally pony.

Was it worth it? Still undecided.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

I can't believe I'm doing this ...

... but I'm gonna start a WoW blog. Lord, I hope Dotti doesn't find this. I'm sure she thinks I couldn't be a bigger geek. But, then again, maybe she does?

There have been many times that I've thought about posting WoW crap on my regular blog, but know the people who read that wouldn't care or even understand. So here we go again with yet another little space for me to spew .... this time about WoW.